Carved as an interior wall piece. This was the miniature for the Green Man of Uisneach and carved in Lime.

Spirit Pole
A nice piece of Lawson Cypress that will hold several Tree Spirits when completed.

Odd Spirits
A selection of Odd Spirits to hang on your wall. From the left: Puritan, Hippy Dippy and Clint – all carved from Lime.

Mad Feckers
Carved and stained with dark waxes. My imagination running riot!

Oak Spirit
Oak panel carved for a client who wanted the elements of the Oak tree to appear with the spirit.

Log Rough Out
Ash log being prepared for work. It eventually became Amergin the Druid.

Salmon of Knowledge
The mythical salmon who lived in the River Boyne. Carved in Lime and mounted on an Oak panel.

A lovely picture showing how wood patinates to a silver colour after a few years of exposure to the elements.
Image ©Copyright John Dix

Wise Wood Spirit
Carved in Elm and looking slightly melancholy!

The Reaper
Had this idea in my head for a long time – a Lime mask set into a Bog Oak root.

Pheasant Stick
A stick for a hunting gentleman commissioned as a present I believe and was carved from a nice piece of curved Blackthorn grafted onto a Hazel shank.

The Rings in the Wood
The Sons of Tuireann carving process, directed by film maker John Shiel

The Oak King
This Oak log became the Oak King and was carved for Belvedere House and Gardens, Co. Westmeath in 2010.

Sons of Tuireann
These Lime logs were carved to become the three brothers Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba. The documentary in the “About Richie” section tells the story of their creation.

Cone head Santas
Carved and painted by me and only come out for sale once a year!

Painted Indian
Indian chief carved from Lime and hand finished with oil paints.

Wizard and Me
Me with the Wizard having just been completed. Thanks to Husqvarna for the lovely work clothes!

Lugh of the Sun
This is Lugh, one of the legendary leaders of the Tuatha de Danann. It was carved from Ash and lives on the Hill of Uisneach, Co Westmeath.

The King of Thomond! Brian Boru who lived from 941 – 1014 carved in Lime and framed in Bog Oak.

Lugh minature
Another carving of Lugh in Lime set into an undulating Bog Oak base. His head band is also from Bog Oak.

Amergin the Druid
The finished sculpture of Amergin just having been sealed with oil.

Green Man of Uisneach
The biggest Green Man I have ever carved! Carved for the Festival of the Fires 2012 from an Ash log with some nice Celtic knotwork and incised uncial lettering.
Image ©Copyright John Dix

Easter Island Maoi Head
A nice piece of Beech log carved for a client approx. 3’ high.