At work in Belvedere House and Gardens, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath
Butterflies carved in wood
Finn, Diarmuid and Grainne
Horse chestnut woodcarving of Celtic legends
A Barn Owl and her chicks
A Barn Owl carving in Maple
Snorri McSnivet
Fun carving of a Viking
Wood Spirit in Lime
A Celtic Wood Spirit carved in Irish Lime
Brigid – A Celtic Goddess
Brigid the Celtic Goddess of Fire carved in Lawson Cypress
Celtic Spirit in Irish Lime
Celtic wood spirit in Irish Lime
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim wood carving
The Warrior
The Warrior in Irish Lime and Yew
The Trickster
The Norse God Loki carved from Irish Lime.
Mide and The First Flame
Mythological carving in a variety of woods
Female Nude in Irish Yew
Irish female form carved in Irish Yew
A Study of the Male Torso
The male torso in Oak
Moon Gazing Hare with eyes of gold
Moon Gazing Hare in Cedar Wood
The All-Father
The Norse God, Odin, carved in Irish Sycamore
The Storyteller
A storytelling chair in Irish Lime
Santas 2017
Happy Santa Claus 2017
Norman sentry at Malahide
Log carving in Cedar
The Greenman of Malahide Castle
A Greenman in Scots Pine
The Flame Haired Goddess
Fiery Goddess in Cedar
Fionn MacChuail
Framed carving in Irish Lime
The Death of Cuchulain
Carving of Cuchulain in Irish Lime.
Manannan Mac Lír and Li Bán
Celtic sea deity woodcarvings in Cedar
The Wishing Chair
Ancient chair carved in Bog Oak